Mini-Mid-Summer Reflections

26 07 2010

I figured it’s about time that I blog again. Haven’t done an entry for awhile, not sure exactly why. Perhaps because this whole ‘blogging’ thing is kind of new to me; what to write; what NOT to write; because you just never know nowadays; who/what (institutions) read these.

Maybe I can go a little more personal. I’ll be moving in approximately a month, relocating to London, Ontario, where I will commence studies for Law at the University of Western Ontario. I am quite nervous, I haven’t been in the grind of ‘studying’, ‘making notes’, etc since 3-4 years ago (well, minus the grueling LSAT). Nevertheless, I think my mind is as sharp as ever and I’m ready for the challenge and the opportunities that a legal education provides.

There’s also been many personal changes that have been going on; and there’s no need to get into details of those, but I do find these things bring upon the opportunity to mature as an individual. This looking at challenges in a more resourceful light is a mentality that I’m embracing more and more. It is more helpful than the mentality of being a victim or that the world sucks. I am also going to miss my friends and family as I move. Minus mini-trips all over North America and a few months in Asia now and then, I’ve spent the majority of my time in Toronto.

If I may say, I believe these next few years for me are going to be very important in determining the foundations of my life. I’m sure many people feel the same, regardless of your age. There are just many interesting changes that are occurring in the lives of.. well, everyone.

Anyway, I want to wrap this up and I wanted to say thanks to the Zen (Big Mind) community, especially the locals in Salt Lake City. My time spent there has been life changing and I look forward to the opportunity to return once again in the future.

– Ju


3 03 2010

You know, I must have been a Zen monk in a past lifetime, because my karma seems to be drawn to teachers/individuals in that particular lineage. It’s almost 2 am here in Toronto, and it’s one of those rare nights that I can’t sleep (for me at least; I usually can get my zzs pretty easily by midnight), and I just watched this video from Adyashanti:

I find that he’s answering a topic that is very common in many of our personal and intimate relationships, be it with a significant other or with friends and family. We generally have this ideal that our partner has to fulfill and generally speaking, the other individual is not able to do this.

Anyways, check the video out for yourself and tell me what you think about it.

– Ju